With Jesus in the Boat

Matthew 8:24

And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea . . .

There is a fun song we liked to sing at camp  “With Jesus in the boat you can smile through the storm”.  It was based on the story of a storm that came up on the Sea of Galilee and the frightened disciples awakened the sleeping Jesus with their cries for help.  Jesus calmed the storm and than rebuked His disciples for having such little faith. Was there lack of faith because they could not calm the storm or because they were afraid of the storm?  Will Jesus always calm the storm or does He sometimes want us to go through the storm and learn to trust Him?

In a recent time of prayer and fasting with our church family at Way of the Lord, I experienced a picture in my imagination of canoeing across a large stormy lake.  I was the duffer (sitting in the middle of the canoe going along for the ride), the Holy Spirit was in the bow (front) supplying the power to move the canoe through the storm and the Father was in the stern (back), steering.  I wondered where the third party of the trinity might be and than saw Him out walking on the water in the midst of the storm.  Looking at their faces, I noticed they were all smiling.

Seems to be in the Gospels that Jesus was either in the boat sleeping through the storm or out walking on the water in the midst of the storm.  He just doesn’t seem to be all that bothered by storms.  The message is clear that God wants us to learn the lessons He has for us in the midst of the storms.   At least a major portion of the lesson is to trust Him and not surrender to fear.

Seems that so often, paddling in the boundary waters one finds themselves paddling into the wind. It may not be an all out storm but nevertheless a reminder to persevere in faith through the storms of life and remember; we are along for the ride and Father God is in control, smiling all the way.